Some useful information
Athens Airport (Eleftherios Venizelos Airport) is the closest to the Saronikos Region.
Taxis are readily available at the airport and costs are e.g. to Saronida approximately €35-40 (day time) and €50-55 for the night rate (from 12 midnight to 5 am). Travelling time is around 25 minutes in light traffic conditions. To pre-book a taxi, you can call:
Tanya (speaks English) +30 697 707 6700
Giannis + 30 690 861 6704 (+ 30 22910 53519).
(The fare from Athens airport to Athens city centre is fixed: day time €40, night time €55.)
For car rentals, you can book with Athens Car Rental (ACR) www.athens-carrental.com who can arrange to meet you at the airport. For rental of 3 days of more, a 20% discount will be granted to SIFCA guests. Quote the discount code SIF-23 in the Discount Coupon field on your order.
The festival information centre is to be found at The Anchor Cafe, Saronida and will be open from 10am to 2pm and 5pm to 9pm in the evening. Be sure to go along to register for events, pick up the festival information booklet and your badges!
The festival will be held on the mainland of Greece in the beautiful coastal towns of Attica known as the Athens Riviera, just 30 minutes drive from Athens International Airport.
Being a renowned coastal area, there are many beautiful hotels, Alexander Beach Hotel, Vincci EverEden, Grand Resort Lagonisi and The Plaza Resort, plus many AirBnb apartments available in Saronida, Anavyssos, Lagonisi and Fokaia.
Το φεστιβάλ θα διεξαχθεί στην ηπειρωτική Ελλάδα στις όμορφες παραθαλάσσιες πόλεις της Αττικής, γνωστές ως Athens Riviera, μόλις 30 λεπτά οδικώς από το Αεροδρόμιο Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος.
Όντας μια διάσημη παραθαλάσσια περιοχή, περιλαμβάνει πολλά όμορφα ξενοδοχεία, το Alexander Beach Hotel, το Vincci EverEden, το Grand Resort Lagonisi και το The Plaza Resort, καθώς και πολλά διαμερίσματα στην πλατφόρμα του AirBnb στη Σαρωνίδα, την Ανάβυσσο, το Λαγονήσι αλλά και στη Φώκαια.

Some useful information
Athens International Airport (Eleftherios Venizelos Airport) is the closest to the Saronikos Region.
Taxis are readily available at the airport and costs are e.g. to Saronida approximately €30-35 (day time) and €45-50 for the night rate (from 12 midnight to 5 am). Travelling time is around 25 minutes in light traffic conditions. The fare from Athens airport to Athens city centre is fixed: day time €38, night time €54. Pre-book taxi numbers:
Tonya (speaks English) +30 697 7076700
Giannis +30 690 861 6704 (+30 22910 53519)
For car rentals, you can book with Athens Car Rentals (ACR) www.athens-carrental.com who can arrange to meet you at the airport. For rental of 5 days of more, a 15% discount will be granted. Quote the discount code SIFCA 15 on your order.
The festival information centre is to be found at no. 14A Saronidos Avenue, Saronida and will be open from 10:00 to 14:00 in the morning and 17:00 to 21:00 in the evening. Be sure to go along to register for events, pick up your tote bag, the festival information booklet and your badges